Monday, February 22, 2010

What or who holds the most power in your life?

Who or what holds the most power in your life? Personally the person who holds most power in my life are my sisters. When I need someone to talk to about my problems or when I need help I go to them and no matter what they both are doing they drop it and help me. When I am in trouble or I do something wrong I tell them no matter what it is. Whenever I do something wrong they will tell my mom or someone, but at the time that I tell them they try to understand what I was thinking at the moment that I had done something. They have influenced me in so many different ways, For example, they have achieved so much in there life when they are just in college. They influence me to try my best in school because it will get you somewhere. They have taught me that no matter how many problems you are going threw to keep your head up and never give up on what you love to do no matter how hard and crazy it gets. Chances are that there is someone that holds a lot of power over you. You may think no one holds any power over you and maybe when you think about the word power you think that they tell you what to do and they are not nice about it, but power means basically that they influence you in a good or bad way. Power could mean different things to a lot of people, but to me it means that you learn from their mistakes and their accomplishments that they have done. My two older sisters hold the most power in my life for the reasons above.

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