Friday, March 5, 2010

How does Animal Farm connect to real life?

Although Animal Farm has to deal with animals it also relates to human life. This is how, In Animal Farm they do not like to be mistreated by their owner as all of us do. All of the character in this book feel that they have been mistreated by Mr.Jones who is the drunk owner for all these animals. Old major is the character that I relate to most. He has told all the animals about Utopia which is a perfect world that they would not have to worry about someone telling them what to do. The reason I have a connection with Old major is because, he has a vision of a perfect world and when people or the animals in his case that they believe in themselves. I am like that because I don't like people that aren't confident with what they have. Also, when they don't believe that they can do something that they have done before but just don't have the confidence to do it again.
When I listen to Old major I think about all the ways that the world could be different in good and worse ways. He also thinks that the animals can take over, and power over Mr.Jones, and that is they way that I like to think. The pig believes that he can take all the things from Mr.Jones and turn it all around into something that he can over power and overcome. I think some of us or most of us would like to believe that some day we can overpower some of the people that once thought that they could overpower us.

Monday, February 22, 2010

What or who holds the most power in your life?

Who or what holds the most power in your life? Personally the person who holds most power in my life are my sisters. When I need someone to talk to about my problems or when I need help I go to them and no matter what they both are doing they drop it and help me. When I am in trouble or I do something wrong I tell them no matter what it is. Whenever I do something wrong they will tell my mom or someone, but at the time that I tell them they try to understand what I was thinking at the moment that I had done something. They have influenced me in so many different ways, For example, they have achieved so much in there life when they are just in college. They influence me to try my best in school because it will get you somewhere. They have taught me that no matter how many problems you are going threw to keep your head up and never give up on what you love to do no matter how hard and crazy it gets. Chances are that there is someone that holds a lot of power over you. You may think no one holds any power over you and maybe when you think about the word power you think that they tell you what to do and they are not nice about it, but power means basically that they influence you in a good or bad way. Power could mean different things to a lot of people, but to me it means that you learn from their mistakes and their accomplishments that they have done. My two older sisters hold the most power in my life for the reasons above.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Over eight million women around the world suffer. 90 to 95% of eating disorders are women. 1,000 women die of this illness each year. They start to think of eating disorders possibly when they are about nine and up. Some possibility of this illness is things such as,thinking the will be prettier. Or, another possible thing is that they don't want to be stared at when they are in public or possibly even at school. Also they look at models in magazines and they strive to be them.

I think that the most important thing is that might trigger that is when they look in magazines is that they see the models with the so called "perfect" body. They look at the other people that surround them and say how pretty they are and about how skinny they are. So they think that not eating will help them to be pretty.They might also think that guys will find them more attractive. Mostly models influence girl our age; So, there are girls that try to make it so they look like them. Skinny, A lot of makeup and also other things they seem to like about this model. Also celebrity might influence girl our age. There is also the possibility is that they don't want to be known as the fat girl of your class. Most girls think that guys will like them better if they are "perfect" When really that is so not true. Guys could care a less about your weight. Some women think that if they are the weight that they are supposed to be for there height that they will gain weight and that will make them loose more weight so they don't think they are over weight or fat.

There are many reasons that girls have eating disorders but one of the most important one is maybe that they think that it is a healthier lifestyle than being heavyset. They see all these heavy set people around them that might have health issues. They think hey maybe that they are better off being skinny so they are healthy and they don't take the risk of having to go to the hospital and taking the risk that they have some sort of illness. We all have heard in many sorts of places that if you are more heavyset that they are most likely to die at more of a earlier age then they are planned to. They think that the less weight that they are they are more healthy and that not eating is okay.When your body does not get any intake on food it starts to eat away inside of you. It will feed itself by eating everything it can find and sometimes that does mean that it will eat the organs in your body so yes you might have some kind of illness. Well is more of a chance that you will die sooner if you have a eating disorder cause you organs will not have any energy to run on so they will stop and your body ill eventually just like give up. Having an eating disorder can cause you to die or cardiac arrest.

Finally, there are over 1,000 women that die from eating disorders each yeah.90% to 95% of people that suffer from this illness are women. Having a eating disorder is a very serious issue.