Monday, December 7, 2009

Do you know of people that were abused as a child?

Child abuse is reported- on average every 10 second. Based on approximately 2.9 million reports per year. Children suffering abuse devolop a range of maladaptive, anti-social and self-destructive behaviors and thoughts by trying to cop with the abuse - by trying to understand the situtation and why the abuse is happening. Many physical abusive parents and caregivers insist that there actions are forms of discipline, To try to make there kid behave. Physical abuse can include stricking a child with the hand,fist, and or foot, or objects such as burning, shaking or throwing a child; pinching or biteing a child, pulling kids hair or cutting off there air.Sexual abuse, defined as any sexaul contact between a child and a adult, has componets of both physical and emotional abuse. Aside from the physical damage that sexual abuse does, the emotional componet is powerful as well. The layer of shame that acompianies sexual abuse makes the behavior doubtly traumtizing. While news storys of sexaul preditors are scary, the scariest thing is that the child is most likely sexualy abused by someone who the child knows or should trust. Children are most worried that someone wont believe them, or be angry that they told. They may believe that abuse is there fault, and the shame is devastating and can cause life long effects. Child abuse is a very serious issue. Most of us if not all of us don't know how they could even think about doing this to a child let alone do. Child abuse is scary and really does need to be stopped