Monday, December 7, 2009

Do you know of people that were abused as a child?

Child abuse is reported- on average every 10 second. Based on approximately 2.9 million reports per year. Children suffering abuse devolop a range of maladaptive, anti-social and self-destructive behaviors and thoughts by trying to cop with the abuse - by trying to understand the situtation and why the abuse is happening. Many physical abusive parents and caregivers insist that there actions are forms of discipline, To try to make there kid behave. Physical abuse can include stricking a child with the hand,fist, and or foot, or objects such as burning, shaking or throwing a child; pinching or biteing a child, pulling kids hair or cutting off there air.Sexual abuse, defined as any sexaul contact between a child and a adult, has componets of both physical and emotional abuse. Aside from the physical damage that sexual abuse does, the emotional componet is powerful as well. The layer of shame that acompianies sexual abuse makes the behavior doubtly traumtizing. While news storys of sexaul preditors are scary, the scariest thing is that the child is most likely sexualy abused by someone who the child knows or should trust. Children are most worried that someone wont believe them, or be angry that they told. They may believe that abuse is there fault, and the shame is devastating and can cause life long effects. Child abuse is a very serious issue. Most of us if not all of us don't know how they could even think about doing this to a child let alone do. Child abuse is scary and really does need to be stopped

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What else happend during the holocaust that most people don't know?

You would think to yourself how did all this come to be. Well one reason is that the nazi said to all the people of Germany that they wanted to make it a better place to live. So this caused the nazi's to gain control of there government real quickly. After that it was like putty in there hands. Of coarse all of us think that hitler was the only person to cause all this. The thing is could one person really do all this by himself in that one short time. If you really think about it no. He needed help. Over 10 million people were killed in this tragedy. More than half of those 10 million people killed were jews. They wanted all of the people to hear the Propaganda so they made almost everyone buy radios to hear everything that was going on. Once the propaganda was widespread in Germany, Anti-Semitism became common. Hitler also believed in more than just religous anti-semitism. Religious anti-Christianity. This could happen to anyone who could be traced back to a Jewish family member. Even if the practiced christainity.
Hitler had created Jewish ghettos, And he also burned Jewish buisnesses , he even distributed The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, A book that had not been widely used since the spanish inquistion. This book says that Jews were attempting to take over the world. Another problem that led to the execution of so many jews was that other countries would just stand there and not do anything about it. So that mad it worse. If some of the countries would have agreed to take in more jews in them then not as many jews would have died in the Holocaust. Adolf Hitler wanted everything he did in this time to e permanent. He wanted the world to continue to hate Jews after he was gone. The only way that he thought this was possible was that he had to convince everybody that he was right. The way he did that was he started to brainwash by telling everybody how the Destruction of the Jews would help them to live better. He blamed all of the economic problems on the jews because they were taking all of the money for themselves. The way that he thought of to continue all this stuff going one was children his target was children. They were inclined to believe what they were told, So Hitler told them about the "evils" of jews. He said anything that he could to get them to believe that what he was doing to these people was right. Adolf hitler would consider what he did unsuccessful, even thought he killed 1/3 of all the Jews in the world. Hitler would have considered anything that did not kill all of the Jews unsuccessful. So what would happen if that was to happen again, but this time end up being successful? The entire world's Jewish population could be annihilated. in this modern world, it is our job to prevent the Holocaust from happening again.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Christianity Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Has been around for many generations. I am here to tell you a little bit about Christianity
Christianity was founded in the early 1st century A.D. with the teaching of, Miracles, Crucifixion, And, resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.

Christianity is the largest religion today with over two billion followers. The followers
of christianity is dominate in the western world
Holy book
Holy Bible Pictures, Images and Photos
There is only one holy book for christianity and that is the Bibel

Religious holidays.easter egg Pictures, Images and Photos
Christianity has three major holidays, One of them being Easter. Easter is the oldest christian holiday. Easter got it's
name from Estre, an Anglo-saxon goddess of spring. The second mayjor holiday is Christmas. The birth of jesus.
Christmas has been celebrated since 354 A.D. The third and last mayjor religious holiday is Good friday. Good Friday
is the anniversary of jesus' death on the cross. Some people also refer to good friday as "holy friday. There is also one
more way people refer to it is "Gods friday"
Christian rituals vary between denomination, Idividual church and indivdual christians but some practices are common
to virtuality all forms of christianity.
Dressing and clothing
Christians have no specific clothing. But it says in the bible to "Dress modestly" but thats subjective
particular faiths of christianity may have different dress codes.

The Hierarchy's of christianity are,
The pontiff
The cardinals, Appointed by the pope, 178 cardinals worldwide including 13 in the U.S.
The bishops, like a priest is ordained to this station. He is the teacher of the church doctrine,
A priest of sacred worship.
Priest, An ordained minister who can administer most of the sacraments, Including the Eucharist,
Baptism, and marriage.
and the Deacons: A transitional deacon is a seminarian studying for the priesthood.

Friday, October 2, 2009

How do we stop violence in school?

There really is no guarantee that school violence will stop, but some people would be surprised on how easy it is to not fight in school. Here are some ideas for settling personal problems in school. One way to stop school violence and still settle the problem is to ask the person. I know no one really wants to do that but it will help. Also one thing to do is if someone else told you about how this person wants to fight you don’t believe them. Also if someone comes up to you and tells you something someone said about you most likely it isn’t true. So don’t believe the person that tells you. And that brings me right back to the asking the person. Don’t just assume that what that person told you is true. Another thing is that when someone comes up to you and is about ready to fight is to just walk away and to show them that they’re not worth your time. Another way to deal with this is to go tell the principle. I know all of you think that thats the last thing you would do only because if they found out that you told it would probably make the situation worse but really if you tell them and they do something about it the better off you are. Also if they get mad again then tell again eventually they will give up. If you have problem with confronting people then the way to go is tell the principal or one of your teachers.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

There is this really awesome website that will show you real things that happen in school, It is a very good website to show the problems and issues in school and out of school problems also. It talks about what choices you have to deal with the situations that you are in. It has tons of different choices for the problem that you are dealing with. Such as handling it by fighting or yelling and screaming. Or Walking away from the situation. Or also talking to the person you are having the problems with and asking them about what is going on and there feelings. It shows you from what to do by that I mean how to deal with it. Also it shows you the biggest problem in the whole process of fighting. Which is when someone tell you something about another person, Or when someone say that someone else said something about you that never even came out of there mouth and was passed around by people. I recommend this site to you because I think that it will help you with the fighting problems!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Troubles In school!

As part if team 3, I am exited to be blogging this year on the topic of co-existence.

Alot of people see problems with co-existence in school. First I will tell you about how there are problems with bullying in school. I will tell you about how I saw this one problem In school. Two people in school have a problem with each other for something somone else said about them Or someone who said somthing else about someones friends, They decide that one of the best ways to slove the problem is by fighting! Often also by yelling. I have seen this happen more among teenagers that anyone. They don't realize that when you decide to fight that when you do decide to fight it just makes the problem worse. If on person wants to fight and the other one doesn't then the other person will end up getting mad as well so it really doesn't solve anything really.
Most of the reason people decide to fight is because when someone tells you that the some other person said this about you that probably is not true and you believe it. You should probably ask the person that said this is they actually said this about you, Because if they didn't they will just think that you are crazy, because you said nothing to about them or against them.